We will live almost double the years we do now. The humans of the future will regenerate their body parts. Medicines will assume an even more vital role in improving the quality of future generations

There will be artificial versions of all key body parts. Brain accidents and Alzheimer’s disease will be fully cured by brain implants. Making body spare parts will become an industry. Stem cell pharmacies will be common place

Contact lenses will beam words and images into the eye. Computerised nerve stimulation and exo-skeletal robotics will help those with spinal injuries

A vaccine will eradicate Aids

Active skin technology will help blast e-capsules into skin surface that go deep enough to make links to nerve endings, helping cure Parkinson’s

Virtual love making will be a reality. Couples will be able to link peripheral nervous systems via active skin for enhanced love making

Microscopic machines will help repair damaged cells and organs. It will be possible to back up memories and personality traits